Friday, April 23, 2010

Hurling Rock

I am sitting here today in Denver, Colorado, in the Northern Hemisphere, watching the rain fall, as we spin on a rock which is hurling through space, within a solar system, within a galaxy, within a universe. One would think that a reality that outlandish and surreal might prevent us from overly concerning ourselves with the seeming triteness of personal conflict, politics and American Idol, as they stand impish in comparison to the profundity of such a dangerous reality. Right? But then I say that and soon realize that we wouldn't be human if we were not to become bored with profound realities quickly, soon turn jaded and then go on to feverishly search for the "latest and greatest" trend or product that has more than likely been created a million times over in the past, within some other misguided and twisted culture.

We have experienced over a couple thousand years of earthly stability, arguably since 687 BC, (outside of those who have experienced natural disaster in acute, specific regions around the globe) and the collective conscience has forgotten what a global natural disaster might look like. I think we can all imagine, but who wants to? We have more important things to do here on earth. For instance, I am looking for a job and grappling with my faith. What could be more important than those two pressing issues here in the twenty-first century? "Nothing really," you might find yourself saying out loud right now, and I assure that you are not alone in your contemplation, as you sit in front of the computer wearing your slippers and pajamas, so you shouldn't feel alone and you should be happy.

A lot of people are out of jobs and losing their homes and becoming disenfranchised with the way our goverment is systematically bending us over the proverbial wood pile, and I am no different. I sit here wondering exactly what one person can do to make a differenece. Some people tell me to vote, that every vote counts dang golly, and that you gotta get out there to make your vote count, dang it. So, vote, vote, vote. Sure, I think, but then I wonder who in the hell to vote for. Everybody in our political system works for the blood-thirsty money-grabbers who run everything and own everything, and for whom everything is never enough. Does a slave have real rights just because he thinks he does? I don't think so, and that pisses me off to no end. But what can a guy do but to enjoy life as much as possible, pay the piper and keep his mouth shut so that he doesn't end up dead or forever discredited? That's the million dollar question.

I say, learn more about sports. Live them, read about them, watch them and incessantly talk about the people who play sports as if you know them personally, and as if you have them over daily for coffee and cake. That seems to be the only thing of concern in American cities anymore. Sports and the people who play them. Get to know all of the players, their histories, about their sex lives and find out their blood-types too, and maybe you'll have a chance at connecting with someone here before some rogue comet comes out of the distant future or past and takes us out once and for all. Remember, we live on a rock that is hurling through space. Are we going to make it? What is the ultimate fate of humanity? Stop it! And turn on the TV. Celebrity Re-Hab is on and Dennis Rodman looks like he was just exhumed from the grave, and he wants a damned drink right now, for shit's sake. Reality. Taste it and savor the flavor.

Honestly though, if we have at least one person with whom we can connect, we are doing pretty well. Find that person, talk about the big picture, maybe even tell them about your fears and concerns, and who knows, you might not lose your mind this year. That's my New Year's resolution, (a little late, sure, but okay...) to not lose my mind this year. The beautiful thing is that outside of not losing my mind, I can do about anything that I would like. Who knows? I might even come up with some way to defend ourselves against the imminent disaster that so threatens all of us here on the planet that is known for its impeccable taste in food, fun and fast cars. If we are wiped off of the face of the earth, will it really hurt? I don't think so. Really, I just want to be able to live life here without going insane. So, cheerio to all of you and make sure to not look down or sideways or up, lest you fall off of the planet and fall through our infinite universe until you become ragged with wind burn, subsequently going nuts. That's what we are trying not to do here. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to mow tonight. The grass is tall. My spinach, mustard greens, lettuce, and beets are coming up. Potatos too. Grow something, you will go insane if you try not to. Find something that is yours and share it with whoever you you care to and that your feelings won't be hurt if they are disinterested because you love it that much. Mine is gardening. Im not all full tilt or anything, but, i ripped out the landscaping around the back of my house and started growing food there. I like food, im fat. I don't need other's help but i feel good when the girls want to help. so, that helps.
